1 Dernière modification par zakaria_gt (24/12/2017 1:21:33)

Sujet : please i need the name and constructor number of this part

please i need the name and constructor number of this part of my passat 1999 tdi 110cv

i need this information so can i to buy this part

thank you


Re : please i need the name and constructor number of this part


https://volkswagen.7zap.com/fr/rdw/pass … 03-103085/

# N°8 ?

J ai migré.....


Re : please i need the name and constructor number of this part

thank you very much; i was looking for this about 3 hours

thnx again


Re : please i need the name and constructor number of this part

but not exactly the same


Re : please i need the name and constructor number of this part

It is necessary to choose with your type of engine (AVF ?)
Sorry but discussed have to them be made in French on this forum.

Tu dois te présenter ici : http://www.forumpassat.fr/forum/forum/5 … s-membres/

J ai migré.....


Re : please i need the name and constructor number of this part

C'est un afn je pense. Tdi 110
Je ferme le post en attente de présentation smile

Passat 3BG TDI 130 carat 2001 (260 000 kms)
http://www.vwpassat.eu le futur nouveau site de référence de la passat .